Keller Williams Tri-Valley Realty
Лиценз №: 01753678 - CA / REALTOR Venema Homes Team -д
Keller Williams®-ын оффис бүрийг бие даан эзэмшиж, ажиллуулдаг

Миний тухай

Kim is a Realtor on the Venema Homes Team. Licensed in California since 2006, Kim’s experience in the real estate industry is extensive. In positions as Sales Agent, Director of Operations, Team Manager, and Transaction Coordinator, she has worked with sellers and buyers, escrow and title officers, and lenders in all phases of the home selling and buying process. Kim also has experience with new homes sales and as a real estate investor. Kim’s previous career accomplishments include more than 10 years in retail operations as a General Manager where she focused on customer service, operational execution, and project management. Kim has lived in Pleasanton for more than 15 years with her husband and daughter.

Миний дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл
ЗАХ ТӨВ Pleasanton / Livermore
Энэ вэбсайт нь таны туршлагыг сайжруулахын тулд күүки ашигладаг. Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг манай нийтлэлээс уншина уу Күүкийн бодлого. "Зөвшөөрөх" дээр дарж эсвэл энэ сайтыг үргэлжлүүлэн ашигласнаар та күүки ашиглахыг зөвшөөрч байна Хэрэглэх нөхцөл болон Нууцлалын бодлого.